
Tackle big, complex, and important topics from our research on the go with Muslim Community College Podcasts. It’s everything you love about Muslim Community College, just on a different platform.

What Constitutes A Muslim?

What Constitutes A Muslim? Everyone has heard the verse: “Allah intends to provide ease for you and does not intend …

Qur’an 30 for 30: Thematic Tafsir

We experience the fruits of faith on a daily basis. But what makes Islam unique is the holistic message of …

40 Prophetic Hadiths on Health & Well-being

We experience the fruits of faith on a daily basis. But what makes Islam unique is the holistic message of …

A Du’a Away: A Companion Journal

The power of a desperate prayer whispered into your palms can change what is written in the pages of destiny. …

Breaking Free: Unshackling the Muslim Mind from Secular Thought and Reestablishing the Islamic Personality

You do you. You’re the captain of your own ship. My body, my choice These and similar platitudes have embedded …

Breaking Free: Unshackling the Muslim Mind from Secular Thought and Reestablishing the Islamic Personality

You do you. You’re the captain of your own ship. My body, my choice These and similar platitudes have embedded …

Breaking Free: Unshackling the Muslim Mind from Secular Thought and Reestablishing the Islamic Personality

You do you. You’re the captain of your own ship. My body, my choice These and similar platitudes have embedded …

Conviction Circle


Imam al-Suyūṭī and Symmetry in the Qur’an: Understanding the Connection Between the Beginning and Ending of Surahs

The Qur’an is a shoreless ocean of treasures. The combined lifespans of humanity are insufficient to collect all its pearls. …

Slavery and Emancipation in the Sharia: The Islamic Framework for Ethical Treatment of Slaves in the Minhāj fī shuʿab al-īmān of al-Ḥalīmī

The moral problem of slavery The topic of slavery is not an easy one. In part this is because many …

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