Start Date:
27. February 2020 to 2. April 2020
Thursday 8:10pm to 9:30pm

£ 60.00 per course


Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam: ” I was only sent to perfect noble character”.


The messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said:

“What enables people to enter paradise more than anything is piety and good character” – At-Tirmidhi


The aim of this course is to teach and achieve understanding of what is noble, respectable and desired manners in Islam; to revive islamic characters through the teachings and practices of the messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam and the companions radiallahu ‘anhum in all aspects of muslims lives which are fast disappearing from within all ages of the muslim ummah of today. Various books are consulted including ‘The Content of Character’.

For brothers & sisters, Segregated

Course Curriculum

Section 1: Introduction
Mobile Application Development 00:35:00
Nunc nisi quam, dignissim ut luctus non, dignissim pellentesque massa. Etiam ac fermentum risus, vitae dictum quam.
Platform development environment FREE 00:20:00
Nunc nisi quam, dignissim ut luctus non, dignissim pellentesque massa. Etiam ac fermentum risus, vitae dictum quam.
Patents & Application stores 01:00:00
Cras diam magna, tempor et facilisis imperdiet, viverra ut tortor. Suspendisse venenatis neque ac enim faucibus posuere.
Application Stores 00:20:00
Praesent pretium nisi diam.
Section 2: Development & Testing
Tools for Application Testing 00:20:00
Donec egestas ullamcorper metus, id facilisis nibh blandit non.
Mobile Application Testing 00:40:00
Suspendisse pellentesque cursus erat, nec molestie felis pretium eget.
Mobile Business Intelligence 00:30:00
Suspendisse pellentesque cursus erat, nec molestie felis pretium eget.
The Course Quiz 00:05:00



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